About Additional Data Collection

What does the “Share Gravity SMTP Analytics” option mean?

The Gravity SMTP Setup Wizard includes a question asking whether or not the site administrator would like to assist us by agreeing to additional data collection on the usage of Gravity SMTP:

screenshot of the option to allow sharing of analytics for Gravity SMTP

This setting is to allow the sending of optional usage analytics. This is unrelated to any data that must be passed during background tasks, such as version checks and site license key validation.

What is being collected?

The following product usage metadata is collected whan sharing analytics:

  • The values and options set in the Gravity SMTP Settings page.

Any collected data is linked to a hash of your license key and the website of installation. See the section below regarding what is not collected.

Areas of consideration for expanding collection in the future may include general usage information, specific integration settings of interest to product development, specific errors related to a monitored process, etc. This data is collected to assist our product team and their development decision-making by improving our insight into actual customer usage behaviors.

What is not collected?

It is just as important to note the following points about what we collect.  

  • collected data does not include personal identifying information relating to your Gravity Forms account or your purchase method. 
  • the collected data does not include any identifying information about your website visitors.
  • the collected data does not include any email contents, email addresses of senders or recipients, or any other information about individual emails sent by your website. 
  • the presentation of usage analytics is aggregated and anonymized.

What if I change my mind? 

This setting can be turned on or off by toggling the option available within the global Gravity Forms Settings page at SMTP → Settings → Usage Analytics.

If you no longer use the product and wish for all previously collected data to be erased, you can request the erasure of all your personal data by contacting our Support desk.

What other info does Gravity SMTP collect?

For more information on data collected by our processes, such as during purchasing transactions, Gravity account setup and website usage, refer to our Gravity Forms privacy policy.