1.8.0 | 2025-03-12
- Added Mailjet as a connector.
- Added SparkPost as a connector.
- Fixed a bug that causes settings locked by a constant to save to the database on various operations.
- Fixed an issue that causes the Events table on the Dashboard to show events in the incorrect order if they span multiple years.
- Fixed an issue that causes the events log table to show no results if the date filter is used with a single date for to and from values.
1.7.0 | 2025-02-26
- Added the ability to send a test Alert for all existing Alert types.
- Added a lock icon tooltip to integration card when the integration is set as primary or backup by a constant.
- Added Elastic Email as an integration.
- Added MailerSend as an integration.
- Added SMTP2GO as an integration.
- Added migration fields for Elastic Email and SMTP2GO
- Fixed an issue that can cause Password Reset emails to ignore management settings if Woocommerce is the source.
- Updated telemetry data for Setup Wizard.
1.6.2 | 2025-02-12
- Added a Headers section to Email Log Details sent via Custom SMTP.
- Added a link to the attached files when viewing Email Log Details.
- Added support for custom file names in attachments.
- Fixed an issue that can cause some table pagination to break on custom site setups.
- Fixed an issue that causes PHPMail to disregard the Return-Path value.
- Fixed an issue that causes tooltip buttons to redirect to a blank page.
- Fixed an issue where the drag handle icon for Twilio alerts was not displaying correctly.
- Fixed an issue which can cause deferred EDD emails to fail.
- Fixed an issue which can cause some failed emails to not trigger an alert.
- Fixed an issue which can cause the Primary Connector to be ignored if settings have not been saved a single time.
- Fixed an issue which causes some settings defined by constants to not display the correct value.
- Updated all dialogs to be vertically centered on the page.
- Updated saving of integration settings to assign the one being saved as Primary if none currently are.
1.6.1 | 2025-01-16
- Added a feature that obfuscates sensitive settings field values if those fields are set via a defined constant.
- Added resend email button to the activity log.
- Added support for SQLite in the System Report.
- Added the ability to set Primary and Backup integrations via the constants
- Fixed a bug that causes warnings or errors due to undefined array keys.
- Fixed an issue that can cause email sends to fail when providing a BCC or Reply-to address while using the Mailchimp connector.
- Fixed an issue that causes fatal errors with the Google Integration when there is a token error.
- Fixed an issue that causes PHP notices if the from name of an email is empty in the Generic Integration.
- Fixed an issue where the app size was incorrect when the menu is auto folded.
- Fixed an issue where the tracking pixel url is generated with a slash.
- Updated the resend email functionality to be confirmed through a confirmation dialog before resending the email.
1.6.0 | 2024-12-12
- Added Zoho Mail integration.
- Added suppressions management system with manual email suppression capabilities.
- Added date filters and simple filters to the activity log.
- Added experiments setting area to the plugin general settings.
- Added experimental alerts for when the plugin is unable to send emails (using Slack and Twilio).
- Fixed a bug that causes the Email Log to not render when a service is missing for an entry.
- Fixed a bug that causes pagination endpoints for the Email and Debug logs to not work when wp-includes is in a non-standard location.
- Fixed a bug that causes the Amazon SES integration to not display the correct state of the force from email setting.
1.5.0 | 2024-11-06
- Added Mailchimp as an integration type.
- Added ability to track email open rates.
- Fixed an issue which can cause some environments to throw a fatal when parsing the source of an email send.
- Fixed an issue that can cause fatal errors when Microsoft 365 tokens are invalidated.
- Fixed an issue that can cause special characters to render incorrectly with Amazon SES.
- Fixed an issue that can cause a fatal error when AffiliateWP sends emails on an early hook.
1.4.2 | 2024-10-15
- Fixed an issue that can cause messages with attachments to not be logged in the Event Log.
- Fixed an issue which causes some connectors to throw fatal errors if an email is sent without any recipients.
- Fixed a bug that causes some plugins that dont set a from email to cause fatal errors when routing through this plugin.
- Updated Force From Email toggle to be disabled if the Default From Email is not set.
1.4.0 | 2024-09-13
- Added Amazon SES as an integration type.
- Added a Dashboard Screen to the Admin Menu.
- Added a feature to append Gravity Forms entry notes with a link to the associated Gravity SMTP event log.
- Added Return Path as a setting for integration types which support it.
- Updated Debug Logging for Custom SMTP to be more thorough and useful.
- Fixed an issue which can cause Gravity Forms Add-ons to display incorrect update messaging.
1.3.1 | 2024-08-21
- Added the ability to view and delete the email log from the logging settings screen.
- Fixed some issues that cause warnings to be displayed in PHP 8 and above.
- Updated all toggles and their icons for better accessibility and readability.
- Updated the mobile layout for the Email Log detail screen.
1.3.0 | 2024-08-07
- Added an email management screen to allow granular control over the sending of WordPress core emails.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Setup Wizard to display incorrect migrated settings.
- Fixed an issue that causes special characters to be improperly encoded in the Microsoft integration.
- Fixed an issue that causes emails with malformed headers to fail sending when no integration is enabled.
- Updated the "Send a Test" screen to allow the selection of any configured integration for testing.
- Updated the "Send a Test" screen to provide control over whether or not to send HTML in the email body.
- API: Added Feature Flags architecture.
- API: Added the
filter to control/extend what email types appear on the email management screen.
1.2.2 | 2024-07-22
- Fixed an issue that can cause license key checks to fire on every page load in some contexts.
- Fixed an issue that causes failed resends to return a success message.
- Fixed an issue that causes integration statuses to be incorrectly preserved after uninstalling the plugin.
1.2.1 | 2024-07-18
- Changed the default email log retention period to 7 days.
- Fixed a deprecation notice for PHP 8.2 and dynamic properties.
- Fixed a conflict with the Email Templates plugin that causes a fatal error for some enabled integrations.
- Fixed an issue that causes emails with BCC fields to be unable to resend.
- Fixed an issue that can cause OAuth connections to fail due to expired refresh tokens.
- Updated error handling for the debug log to catch more mailer related errors.
1.2.0 | 2024-07-03
- Added log email message and save attachments functionality.
- Added migration feature for WP Mail SMTP users.
- Added resend email functionality.
- Added Translation and Locale data to the System Report.
- Fixed bug that causes update notices to be delayed after a release.
- Fixed an issue that allows username and password fields to be editable in Custom SMTP settings when authentication is disabled.
- Fixed a bug that causes update notices to be delayed after a release.
- Fixed an issue that causes fatal errors when sending emails with PHP Mail.
1.1.2 | 2024-06-20
- Fixed an issue that causes the Google and Microsoft connectors to lose authentication after a period of time.
- Fixed an issue that causes the email log to display incorrect from name and email data for the PHP Mail integration.
- Updated Brevo help text for the api key setting to remind people to check their Authorized IPs setting in Brevo.
1.1.1 | 2024-06-14
- Fixed an issue that causes primary or backup status to be lost if saving settings for that connector in that session.
- Fixed an issue that causes only the first of multiple notifications to send.
- Fixed an issue that causes only the first of multiple reply to emails to pass through.
- Fixed an issue that causes Microsoft work/school accounts to not be able to authenticate.
- Fixed an issue that causes the system report to not display all enabled connector information correctly.
1.1.0 | 2024-06-11
- Added information about the current active integrations to the System Report.
- Added the Google connector.
- Added the Microsoft connector.
- Added the PHP Mail connector.
- Added primary and backup connections.
- Fixed an issue that caused emails to send in test mode if no integrations were configured.
- Fixed an issue that caused deleting a single activity from the log to break the data grid display.
- Fixed an issue that can cause a fatal error when viewing the Email log on translated sites.
- Fixed an issue that prevents Telemetry data from being properly sent to the Telemetry API.
1.0.3 | 2024-05-20
- Fixed a bug that causes plaintext emails to send with some html tags in Postmark.
- Fixed a bug that causes attachments to not send with Postmark.
1.0.2 | 2024-05-07
- Added integration column to the data grid to show which service sent an email.
- Fixed a bug that allows incorrect credentials for Custom SMTP to cause the Settings page to hang.
- Fixed a bug that causes domain level mailgun api keys to not validate.
1.0.1 | 2024-04-23
- Added status headers for test mode and debug mode to all screens.
- Fixed a bug that causes the plugin to appear in the Gravity Forms updates screen.
- Fixed a bug that causes incorrect display of the debug log retention time on the system status screen.
- Fixed a number of small display issues in various screens.
- Updated the debug logger to hide the license key in the debug log.
1.0 | 2024-04-09
- Added debug log feature to the plugin.
- Added the ability to activate the configured integration on the last step of the setup wizard.
- Added uninstallation feature to remove all plugin data.
- Fixed a bug that causes pagination issues when the activity log is cleared.
- Fixed some issues with RTL layouts.
- Fixed a bug that causes configured integrations in the Setup Wizard to always be activated.
- Fixed a bug that causes the analytics toggle in the Setup Wizard to not reflect its true state.
- Updated headers data on log detail to be hidden by default.
- Updated the Setup Wizard to import a valid Gravity Forms key if present on initial setup.
- Updated button attributes in various areas for better accessibility.
1.0-rc-5 | 2024-03-07
- Added ability to preview emails from the activity log.
- Added bulk delete functionality to the activity log.
- Added search to the activity log.
- Added the first layer of roles and capabilities to the plugin.
1.0-rc-4 | 2024-02-22
- Added optional usage analytics to the plugin.
- Added the Google connector.
- Added ajax pagination to the activity log.
- Added recipient and gravatar plus full recipient count to the activity log.
- Added caching to the settings area to prevent repeated calls for licence checks resulting in long load times.
- Updated test email image urls to come from the plugin.
- Updated the system report page to be part of the tools page.
- Updated the position of the screen navigation buttons in the setup wizard.
1.0-rc-3 | 2024-02-06
- Added a source column to the activity log to show where the activity originated from.
- Fixed an issue with recipient formatting that causes issues with a select amount of other plugins.
- Fixed an issue that can cause fatal errors when the email log is accessed in some conditions.
1.0-rc-2 | 2024-01-25
- Fixed an issue that causes restricted api keys in SendGrid to falsely report they are invalid keys on validation.
- Fixed an issue that causes the Brevo connector to fail to send emails in certain cases.
- Fixed an issue with our translations class that causes a missing variable notice on certain admin screens.
- Fixed an issue that causes the Custom SMTP connector to send emails to the wrong recipients when sending multiple emails.
- Fixed an issue that causes custom headers to be dropped when sending emails.
- Updated Activity Log to properly translate all strings.
- Updated the SendGrid api key validation to also confirm the key has mail send capabilities.
- Updated the authentication toggle position in the Custom SMTP connector settings.
1.0-rc-1 | 2024-01-18
- Added translation support with TranslationsPress.
- Fixed a bug with Postmark that causes html emails to send as plain text.
- Fixed a bug that shows the activity log as disabled by default when it actually is enabled.
- Fixed a bug that causes the Custom SMTP connector to show auto tls and authentication toggles as enabled by default in the setup wizard, when they are actually not.
- Fixed various accessibility issues with the setup wizard.
- Update some icons in the setup wizard.
- Updated copy for the plugin.
1.0-beta-3 | 2024-01-05
- Added new sections to the technical information on the log details page.
- Added the Brevo connector.
- Fixed various issues with app screen layouts and modals that prevent the WordPress navigation from being scrollable in some cases.
- Fixed an issue where every connector is sending an API verification request on page load.
- Fixed an issue with character encoding in the custom SMTP connector.
- Updated test emails to use an HTML email format instead of plain text.
1.0-beta-2 | 2023-12-19
- Added email previews to the log details screen.
- Added force email address and name settings to all integrations.
- Fixed an issue that causes some constants to not correctly override when set.
- Fixed some accessibility issues with various screens.
- Updated all string prefixes throughout the codebase and database from gsmtp to gravitysmtp. Note: updating to beta-2 will result in losing all previously stored settings and logs.
- Updated the suggest an integration link.
- Updated license handling.
- Updated sidebar menu name to SMTP.
1.0-beta-1 | 2023-12-07
- Added update icon to dashboard screen.
- Added connector settings validation and ui messaging.
- Added pagination to the log details screen.
- Added a link to the settings page from the manage plugins screen.
- Added setup wizard.
- Added the ability to log emails when all integrations are disabled.
- Fixed an incompatibility with the Stop Emails plugin.
- Fixed an issue that causes failed Mailgun test emails to not display their error message correctly.
- Updated data grid to display 20 entries per page by default.
- Updated plugin branding to match new branding.
- Updated the log schema to be agnostic of activity type.