Suppressing Email Addresses


The Suppression List feature in Gravity SMTP helps you manage email delivery by blocking specific addresses from receiving messages. You can add addresses manually, track why and when they were suppressed, and reactivate them if needed. Emails added to the blacklist are still logged in the Email Log, so you’ll always know what’s happening.

Adding A Suppressed Recipient

  1. Go to Gravity SMTP → Suppressions.
Image showing Suppressions menu.
  1. Click on Add Suppressed Recipients.
Image showing Add Suppressed Recipients button.
  1. Add one or more emails separated by a comma. Add a descriptive note about the suppression (optional).
Image showing how to add a suppresed email recipient.
  1. Click on Add Suppressed Recipients.
  2. You should see the recipients added to the Suppressions list.
Image showing suppresed emails.

Removing A Suppressed Recipient

  1. On the Suppressions page, click on the Reactivate action button for the email address you want to remove from the Suppressions list.
Image showing reactivate action button in the suppressions list.
  1. Click the Reactivate button, and then confirm to remove the email address from the Suppressions list.
Image showing recipient details in the suppresed list.

Searching Suppressed Recipients

The Suppressions list entries can be searched using the search bar in the upper right corner of the Suppressions list page. The search will match any entered text against the email data of the sender, recipient, subject, and body text. The search is case-insensitive.

Settings Reference

EmailThe email address in the suppression list.
ReasonThe reason the email address was added to the suppression list (e.g., “Manually added”).
Date SuppressedThe date and time when the email address was added to the suppression list.
ActionsThe available action to manage the suppression list.