WordPress Email Management


Gravity SMTP’s email management feature efficiently manages email notifications from your WordPress site. With easy-to-use toggles, you can enable or disable default email notifications from WordPress. This feature provides complete control over email notifications sent from your site, ensuring that your users receive only relevant information.

Where To Find These Settings

The WordPress Email Management options can be found by clicking the Settings main menu option and then choosing Emails.

Email Management Settings Reference


Image showing Admin Email management settings
Site Admin Email Change AttemptSent to the proposed new Site Admin email address when the Administration Email Address is changed in WordPress General Settings.
Site Admin Email ChangedSent to the old Site Admin email address when the Administration Email Address change has been confirmed.
Network Admin Email Change Attempt
Sent to the proposed new Network Admin email address when the Network Admin Email is changed in Network Settings1.
Network Admin Email ChangedSent to the old Network Admin email address when the Network Admin Email change has been confirmed1.

1.– The setting is available when WordPress Multisite is enabled, and the user can manage it.

Automatic Updates

Image showing Automatic Updates Email management settings
Automatic Plugin UpdateSent to the Site Admin when a background automatic update to a plugin completes or fails.
Automatic Theme UpdateSent to the Site Admin when a background automatic update to a theme completes or fails.
Automatic Core UpdateSent to the Site Admin when a background automatic update to WordPress core completes or fails
Full Background Update Result LogSent to the Site Admin. Only sent when using a development version of WordPress.


Image showing Comments Email management settings
Comment Awaiting ModerationSent to the Site Admin and Post Author (if they have the ability to edit comments) email address when a user or visitor submits a comment and it is awaiting moderation.
Comment is PublishedSent to the Post Author email address when a comment is published.

New Site

Note: These settings are available when WordPress Multisite is enabled, and the user has the capabilities to manage it.

Image showing New Site On WordPress Multisite Email management settings
New Site CreatedSent to the Network Admin email address when a New Site is created from Network Admin.
User Registers New SiteThis email is sent to the Network Admin email address when a user activates a new site or a site is added from the Network Admin.
New Site Network Admin NotificationThis email is sent to the new Site Admin email address when a user activates a new site or a site is added from the Network Admin.
New Site Admin NotificationSent to new Site Admin email address when user activates a new site, or a site is added from the Network Admin.

New User

Image showing New User Email management settings
New User Invited to SiteSent to the User email address when they are invited to join a site1.
New User CreatedSent to the Network Admin email address when a new user is created via wpmu_create_user()1.
User Added or ActivatedSent to the User email address when they are added or their account is activated1.
New User Admin NotificationSent to the Site Admin email address when a new user is created.
New User NotificationSent to the User email address when their account is created.

1.– The setting is available when WordPress Multisite is enabled, and the user can manage it.

Personal Data

Image showing Personal Data Email management settings
Personal Data Request ConfirmationSent to the Site Admin email address when a User confirms a Personal Data Export or Erasure Request.
Personal Data Export SentSent to the Requester’s email address when an administrator has processed a Personal Data Erasure Request.
Personal Data ErasedSent to the Requester email address when an administrator has processed a Personal Data Erasure Request.


Image showing User Email management settings
User Password Reset RequestSent to the User email address when a password reset is requested by the User or an administrator.
User Password Reset
Sent to the Site Admin email address when a User resets their password.
User Password ChangedSent to the User when their password is changed.
User Email Change AttemptSent to the proposed new User email address when a User attempts to change their email address.
User Email ChangedSent to the User email address when they confirm their email address change.